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FeedBurner Feeds Comparison

Alexa let us to check the traffic reach, rank and page views of up to 5 sites. But there are some doubts about Alexa’s accuracy. Nevertheless, it let us compare our traffic with other websites. So that we can estimate how we are doing relatively to others.

Now, we have got a new, very good tool called Feed Compare which let us compare our FeedBurner feed subscribers numbers with others easily. Just simply type in the FeedBurner feeds name, for example Mondi, or the URL of the FeedBurner feeds ( and then press submit. Feed Compare will then show the subscriber numbers of different sites on a beautiful line chart.

There are statistic views for various periods available too – 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Feed Compare is an online service and is absolutely free of charge.

Feed Compare Screenshot

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