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Melody Weblog Software

Everybody knows that WordPress is one the most popular weblog applications. What other options can we have? We have selected the following top quality weblog software other than WordPress for you.

Weblog software is designed to make the creation and maintenance of weblogs easily. As specialized content management systems (CMS), weblog application supports the authoring, editing, and also publishing of blog posts and comments, with special functions for image management, web syndication, and moderation of posts and comments.

Melody is quite cool open source CMS, blogging and publishing platform which is derived from the popular blogging tool Movable Type. Melody is different from Movable Type by having put in place a set of processes that assist the greater Movable Type and Melody communities to contribute features, changes and fixes more easily and quickly back to the core product. This allows independent web developers to pursue the features and preferences that very often matter to them.

The function of Melody is to serve its community by working to build a product according to the principles and philosophies that have helped make CMS WordPress, Apache, Linux, Firefox and other open source applications so successful. Those principles include creating and fostering open communication channels with its user base, by building transparency into its roadmap, and by permitting users to more easily contribute back to the core product.

Melody Key Features

  • Community supported
  • Secure, scalable and rock solid platform
  • Forever 100% Open Source
  • Proven content management system
  • Highly extensible and customizable

Melody is a product first and foremost for those who find value in belonging to, supporting and contributing to a community of helpful, passionate and devoted users. Melody is also for people who want a secure, proven and high quality publishing environment for their personal web site, their favorite project or their business.

Melody Weblog Software

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