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Pro Magic Audio Player for Joomla!

With Pro Magic Audio Player Joomla! extension you can enjoy unlimited playlists with unlimited number of files. The installation and configuration is easy and fast, the playlist is auto generated and ready to offer music to your visitors from the moment they access your webpage.

This player is so good that it can be used anywhere in your Joomla! template. If your module is too narrow, this player can fit without problem. Working with expanded list or in compact mode makes it accessible to any Joomla! user. It supports autostart, shuffle, repeat, compact mode, playlist mode and many more. This player can play your music from any folder and more than that, the playlist will not cache in your visitors browser. It is refreshed instantly. Other players cannot do that.

No need to worry about people having problems listening to your tunes while browsing your nice site. The last version brings in the power of customization. You can now perfectly match all the colors and style in your template and more. Here you can find developers reviews for Pro Magic Audio Player extension for Joomla!

Below you can find the screenshot of Pro Magic Audio Player module parameters.

Pro Magic Audio Player for Joomla

One Response to “Pro Magic Audio Player for Joomla!”

  1. harish says:

    it is not downloading……..

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