ready-to-use resources, tutorials, tips and many other web development related stuff
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My name is Rasti and I’m security oriented full-stack web developer for years.

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and all that formatting stuff like (X)HTML, CSS, XML and so on, frameworks and libraries including are my cups of tea. Since I’m interested in the IT security too, the C/ASM programming as well as TCP/IP stuff is my another hot cup of tea which I use to drink at five.

This blog should provide a place for web developers where various interesting web development stuff will be collected/created. Primarily, beginners and intermediates will find exciting ready-to-use stuff here, but advanced web developers might find some useful content at this place too. You can find here code bytes, utilities, plugins, modules, components and such stuff as well as tutorials, short how-to’s tips’n’tricks and some news occasionally.

Any suggestions and blog related comments are highly appreciated at rasti(at)webdevstuff(dot)com. Post related comments are welcome after the individual posts, as usually.

Finally, I would like to share the shot of my co-workers from company which I’m currently hired for. These two smarty girls are responsible for security code revisions of all our projects. As you might have noticed, they are strongly focused on PHP which occupies all their free time too. Yes, it’s almost unbelievable but geeks will always be geeks, regardless how they look! 😉

Fuck mod_perl

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