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Zimbra: Takes Web E-mail Offline

Have you ever wanted to get your webmail on your desktop? Yahoo’s Zimbra Desktop does just that. Zimbra does lot more with web-based access to your Gmail, Yahoo or even Exchange mail. As a desktop application that even works offline. The E-mail software company Zimbra released an early version of Zimbra Desktop on Sunday. Web-based alternative to existing mail server clients as Microsoft Exchange and outlook,...

30 Free HTML Templates For Your Emails

Got email from company with great look? It is nothing more than well designed HTML Email Template used in email campaign. CampaignMonitor offers you 30 Free HTML email templates. You can use them in your emails to present your company. Email templates are customizable, with possibility to put there your own text, pictures, links, etc. All templates are tested in all the major email clients like Hotmail, Outlook...

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