WP Framework is a nice and powerful theme framework that enables you to create solid, functional WordPress Themes that raise all standards of theme authoring as we know it.
WP Framework only provides you with what you need so you don’t have to worry about any huge learning curve. If you already have a basic understanding of WordPress themes and how they work, then you already know how to use WP Framework. WP Framework doesn’t introduce any new foreign concepts or forces you to develop your HTML structure in any specific way. Develop WordPress themes the way you’re use to and let WP Framework work “behind the scenes” for you.
WP Framework
WP Framework comes to you packaged with pre-defined microformatted CSS styles along with a sensible base/print layout, WP Framework lays the basement for your themes allowing you to focus on what is important Site Specific features.
But this is not all. WP Framework has a support forum and many additional features to help you build your own WordPress theme. Once you try using WP Framework, you are wonder how you have been developing themes without it. WP Framework is free and open source tool licensed under the GPL2.0.